Bounce Innovation Hub Implementing New Safety Protocols Starting May 4; Will Reopen to the Public on May 12

AKRON, Ohio (May 4, 2020)Bounce Innovation Hub announced that it will reopen its doors to the public on May 12, while new safety protocols go into effect today.

The protocols are in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and in adherence with the State of Ohio’s partial lifting of the stay-at-home order on April 27. 

Bounce is a nonprofit business incubator and accelerator that houses more than 45 startups and support organizations, as well as a first-floor public coworking space, makerspace and café and coffee shop.

“To our members, tenants and the community, thank you all for cooperating with state guidelines during this difficult time. We know this has been a stressful time for everyone and we appreciate your efforts,” said Doug Weintraub, Bounce CEO. “As Bounce starts to slowly open up again, we encourage anyone who is working remotely right now to consider us as an alternative location – whether for a day, week or month. We have the space and the resources to allow for social distancing and we will continue to ensure a safe and clean working environment.”

Bounce’s new protocols comply with state-mandated and recommended guidelines and apply to all public/common areas in the 300,000 sq. ft. former B.F. Goodrich tire factory. Specifically, this includes hallways, elevators, mailroom, bathrooms with multiple stalls, conference rooms and event space, stairwells, the café, coworking area, esports center and the Workshop.

To that, Bounce mandates that ALL Bounce employees, tenants, visitors, coworkers and guests are now required to:

  • Maintain six feet between individuals. There is signage and markings throughout the facility to help guide and enforce social distancing.
  • Wash hands and clean surfaces regularly. Bounce will provide cleaning supplies throughout the first floor and will continue increased cleaning on all floors.
  • Wear a face covering. Gear must cover the mouth and nose during the duration of time in the public areas of Bounce. This rule does not apply to children under 2-years-old, someone who can’t wear a mask as a result of a medical condition or those otherwise exempt according to the state of Ohio.
  • Perform a daily self-assessment of symptoms and
  • Stay home if symptomatic of COVID-19 or the common flu/cold.

“Bounce is an open, public space and an office building with private, individually owned businesses. By working together, we can help ensure the safety of our Bounce community and the community at large,” said Weintraub.

Pending any changes by the state, starting May 12, Bounce’s doors will once again be open to the public. This means:

  • Normal hours of operation, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., will resume; members and tenants will continue to have 24/7 keycard access.
  • The front desk will be manned full-time and Bounce will resume issuing coworking day passes.
  • The Bounce team will be working in the building on a staggered schedule.
  • All programming continues with in-person classes and cohorts resuming on a case-by-case basis; most client meetings will continue to occur by phone or video conferencing.
  • First-floor conference and meeting rooms are available for use/rental, as long as social distancing is achieved and attendance complies with applicable state mandates (currently no more than 10 people in attendance).
  • The café seating area will be available for use; however, dining inside is not permitted until further notice from the state.
  • Due to social distancing restraints, large tours of the facility will continue to be prohibited.

“We want to roll things out slowly and steadily as we build back up to normal. To that, we will continue to monitor the situation and follow any further orders from the state,” added Weintraub. 


Media contact: Jeanine Black, chief marketing officer, 330-701-5360,