Jumpstart’s Phelan Spence To Facilitate First Beyond Startup Workshop Aimed at Empowering Entrepreneurs by Illuminating Their Financial Possibilities

Phelan Spence is the manager of business strategy services for Jumpstart and has extensive experience helping startups and small businesses set up and maintain accounting systems. Phelan recently began working with Bounce’s programming team and entrepreneurs-in-residence (EIRs) to provide support for Bounce clients and other businesses in the community.

This partnership led to Phelan becoming the first facilitator in Bounce’s new Beyond Startup Series, with a workshop focused on developing a bookkeeping process for founders to gain insight into their startup’s finances. Throughout the workshop, attendees will receive interactive guidance from Phelan while navigating the QuickBooks accounting system and learning its basic functions.

“While I think most people will agree that good accounting is crucial for running a business, it’s also an intimidating and sometimes mind-numbing topic,” said Phelan. “Many clients tell me they’ve tried to set themselves up in an accounting system, but it was too complicated to do what they wanted. This workshop is a hands-on guided experience that will help entrepreneurs set up and learn how to use their accounting system immediately.”

The first Beyond Startup workshop is almost completely sold out, but multiple workshops remain. The next workshop, “Develop the Core Elements of Your Brand Identity, ” will be held on Wednesday, November 6. The facilitators are Alexander and Drew Sprungle, co-founders of the award-winning Akron-based design and brand studio Secret Creative Org.

Seats are still available  for the November 6 and future workshops. You can find more information and likes to register for upcoming workshops on Bounce’s website: https://bouncehub.org/events-directory/beyondstartup/.

Bounce clients, including tenants, remote tenants, and monthly Generator members, can attend for free but are still required to register. All other entrepreneurs are asked to pay a $5 fee. All participants can enjoy free coworking at Bounce for the entire day.