Welcome (back) to Bounce; Reopening to Public May 12

Posted May 3, 2020 To our members, tenants and the community at large, thank you all for cooperating with state guidelines. We know this has been a stressful time for everyone and we appreciate your efforts; know that they contributed to the success of Ohio’s COVID-19 response. And now it is time to start to […]
Leaning In: Why Bounce’s Mission is More Important Than Ever

By Doug Weintraub, Bounce CEOPosted: April 15, 2020 In January, I wrote “Year in Review: Celebration and Focus,” a blog post that featured 2019 Bounce highlights and 2020 plans and goals. To be sure, from that vantage point, 2019 was a year full of change for Bounce and 2020 was a year full of promise. […]
Problem-Solving During a Crisis

Innovators and Entrepreneurs: this is your moment By Robbie Coon, Bounce program coordinator A Bounce client recently asked me whether it was a good time to start a business. She was worried that the economic and safety constraints around COVID-19 have led to a situation where it is too risky to be an entrepreneur. The […]
Activating the Bounce Workshop for PPE: What We’re Doing and How You Can Help

Posted: April 6, 2020 As you are aware, people and organizations all over the US are finding creative ways to develop and produce much-needed PPE for our healthcare workers, first responders and other essential personnel who are battling COVID-19 on a daily basis. We applaud everyone who is adding to the effort from families at […]
A List of Lists: COVID-19 Online Resources

Updated April 14, 2020 Posted: March 26, 2020 Today, we are thankful for the “list-makers”; those people and organizations who are diligently gathering necessary and timely information and resources for entrepreneurs, small businesses, employers and employees to use as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some that we have found helpful, but we know […]
Fostering a Resilient Company, Community and Culture

Keeping Business moving through Remote Tools, Preserving Company Culture, and Finding What Matters Along the Way By Thomas Dufour, Director of Accounts & Business Development, emBold Late last year, our company, emBold, a web + mobile design and development digital agency, had entered and were finalists in a contest by TechOhio to determine which Ohio […]
Community in a Time of Crisis

by Jeanine Black, Bounce chief marketing officer Bounce Innovation Hub is many things – a trusted resource for entrepreneurs, a professional location for startups and small businesses, a place where ideas are born and innovation thrives. It is also a community – a community that spans all ages, genders, races and ethnicities. It is an […]
Writing Our Own History

By Sharetta Howze, Bounce program coordinator In celebration of Black History Month, Sharetta, who is also an entrepreneur, reflects on what history means to her and how it affects her life and her work. History. A word that causes many African Americans to feel disdain when they hear it. It tends to remind us of […]
Year in Review: Celebration and Focus

By Doug Weintraub, Bounce CEO On behalf of everyone here at Bounce, I’d like to wish you a happy new year. It’s amazing how far Bounce, as an organization and as a team, has come since I wrote last January. 2019 HIGHLIGHTS As you know, the biggest highlight of 2019 was completing the first-floor Generator […]
Youth Advocate and Aspiring Entrepreneur

By Alicia Lee, owner, Life Purpose and participant, Aspiring Entrepreneur Program Cohort 1 I have been working with youth for several years in corrections and in a therapeutic setting, as a functional transitional counselor. It always struck me how nervous the kids were to leave the facility or their foster home in order to enter […]