2021 Year in Review – Bounce

(Pictured above left to right: Selina Garcia and Molly Carpenter during Bounce’s annual Startup Showcase) It’s a new year, which means new beginnings, new starts and new goals. But before we get too far into 2022, we wanted to take a moment to highlight the accomplishments and significant events of 2021. It was a challenging […]
2021 Year in Review – GROW

2021 was an exciting year for our GROW programs as we served 91 clients. GROW aims to serve entrepreneurs and small businesses, with a focus on minorities and women, in our local region. Last year, we were able to get back to some normalcy by hosting in-person classes, and we could not be more grateful […]
A Big Giving Tuesday Thank You from Bounce!

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s Giving Tuesday celebration on Nov. 30. Whether you attended our events or made a donation, or both, you’re supporting our work to help local entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses. Don’t forget, you can show your support for Bounce any day of the year. Visit www.bouncehub.org/donate to find out […]
2021 Retrospective and Future Goals

Can you believe Bounce will be in its fifth year in 2022? We’ve supported so many entrepreneurs this year through meaningful programming, and connections. We wanted to reflect on our biggest and proudest accomplishments this past year and our hopes for the new one. And if you’re still at a loss for gift-giving, we even […]
MORTAR winner wants to help single moms

(Don’t miss our full photo gallery below! Credit: Meghan Meeker) On November 30, eight entrepreneurs walked the stage at Bounce to graduate from our 15-week MORTAR at Bounce business accelerator program. Five of the grads also competed in the Life’s a Pitch! competition for $3,000. Helping Single Moms Markia Sims, owner and founder of Zoe […]
Local Podcasting Network Provides Outlet for Akron’s Black Voices

Podcasting has become one of the most popular ways for individuals to share their passions. Whether discussing relationships, politics, sports or music, podcasting is everywhere. Currently, there are over two million podcasts and more than 48 million podcast episodes. This growing medium inspired Ace Epps, director of inclusive entrepreneurship at Bounce Innovation Hub, to develop […]
Incubator vs. accelerator: Which one is right for your tech startup?

Although every incubator and accelerator program may be different, they all share the same goal of helping new technology startups succeed. There are also key differences in each type of program and how they help entrepreneurs take their start-ups to the next level. How do you determine which program is right for you? When is […]
Startup Showcase Highlights Entrepreneurs, Programs

Bounce’s third-annual Startup Showcase brought Akron’s entrepreneurial community together again for a full day of speakers, workshops and presentations with a focus on highlighting the nonprofit’s programs and entrepreneurs. The day kicked off with a rousing talk from LinkedXL CEO Bill Taylor, a former Goodyear Tire executive and motivational speaker, followed by networking and a […]
Web developer, designer taking business to the next level

Jason Edwards has always had an entrepreneurial spirit – from cutting hair at the age of 13 to building websites on the side while working as a webmaster at ohio.com. Ten years ago, he left the security of his full-time job at ohio.com to focus on Shoo.In, his web development and graphic design company, which […]
Bounce startup joins global accelerator

Bounce technology incubator company O2 RegenTech has been accepted into the July 2021 cohort of the Newchip Startup Accelerator. O2 RegenTech is a medical device startup that specializes in cost-effective, easy-to-use wound care solutions. Their primary product, OXAID™, is an oxygenating, moist, antimicrobial dressing to promote healing of chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers. […]