Bounce’s Generator was bustling the evening of Thursday, September 26, with budding connections and impactful conversations ahead of the 2024 Burton D. Morgan Startup Showcase. Region-leading professionals exchanged information, advice, and insight with each other, frequently discussing collaboration and mutual support. The conversations continued as the event space was opened, and guests were invited to take their seats. The Showcase was about to begin.
In Bounce’s Signal tree, attendees were greeted by “BOUNCE” in large marquee letters. Blue and orange adorned the room, turning the building’s largest conference space into an elegant dinner destination. As guests took their seats, festivities began with welcome greetings from the event’s title and presenting sponsors, followed by remarks from Bounce Board Chair Hans Dorfi and Bounce President & CEO Jessica Sublett.
Hans and Jessica spoke on Bounce’s recent success and teased some exciting projects in the works, like the second-floor Generator expansion, which will launch at the end of 2024. Jessica also introduced Bounce’s new strategic framework to the audience, which focuses on the intersection of its three core components: Programming For Success, Convening Our Community, and A Place For Innovation.
“Bounce is powered by three core elements that guide all our endeavors: Programming, Convening, & Place,” said Jessica. “When these elements intersect, they create a larger reaction that catalyzes innovation, growth, and sustainability. All of which are critical building blocks for a vibrant innovation ecosystem.”
Six of Bounce’s clients were selected to pitch their startups to the crowd in a contest where audience members would vote to award the winning company $5,000. The pitching companies spanned a variety of industries and services:
• Corrolytics’ patented solution to address the $2.5 trillion global corrosion problem. Their approach optimizes using chemicals, biocides, and inhibitors, saving industries hundreds of millions of dollars and avoiding costly shutdowns.
• Penniewise encapsulates the essential steps and strategies for running a profitable enterprise. The platform aims to bridge the gap in financial literacy that many small business owners face, offering practical insights and tools.
• Vigeo Gardens aims to accelerate the world’s transition to indoor farming. The company operates Rubber City Farm, producing hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh, safe, and sustainable produce annually in an economically efficient way while consuming less and using fewer resources like water and energy.
• Auxilium is developing a biomaterial platform technology for wound healing that combines therapeutics and diagnostics. Auxilium aims to be the global leader in wound healing therapy.
• RaidoHub LLC is revolutionizing the global air travel experience from Akron, Ohio. The RaidoHub tool takes the arduous task of contextualizing big data and making it useable within the airports we utilize daily.
• Share+Solve is a HIPAA-compliant mobile platform designed to provide immediate access to peer support for mental health, empowering users to confidently navigate their mental health journey.
As votes were tallying for the pitch contest, the event progressed into panel discussions on Convening and Place. First, Bounce team members took the stage to discuss how their work brings people together at Bounce Innovation Hub and around the community. For the second Panel, three of Bounce’s tenants shared their experiences on the impact of Bounce’s physical space on their growth as entrepreneurs, their ability to make connections, and the success of their business.
As the panels concluded, everyone eagerly anticipated the announcement of the Pitch Contest winner. After thanking everyone in attendance for their support and participation in Bounce’s impact, Jessica invited Wave Strategy’s Matt McBride to the stage to present the winning company with a check for $5,000. And the winner is…
Corrolytics, for its innovative work in microbial corrosion detection! Corrolytics’ business model would allow for better corrosion prevention and save its target market up to $2 billion in potential repairs.
As the applause died down and the lights came on at the end of the program, a buzz remained in the building until the last guest departed. Attendees left with new connections and a newfound excitement for Bounce’s commitment to innovation in Akron.