Apricity Robotics leverages technology to improve care for cardiology patients

When Aaron Crookes, a Bounce Innovation Hub client, co-founded Apricity Robotics about a year ago, he planned to develop a robot to alleviate the nursing shortage that had been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. “I witnessed this first-hand when we saw the ratio of patients to nurses go from 4:1 to 9:1,” he said. With […]
Scopemed takes lessons learned during the pandemic to optimize respiratory care

As a certified anesthetist, Tosan Ugbeye had an idea for a better anesthesia mask that would stop the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne contaminants in the operating room (OR). “The COVID pandemic showed us the shortcomings of respiratory care,” he said, noting how acrylic boxes were used to provide a layer of protection between […]
Pigybak App Is Building a Community of Homeowners and Contractors

Homeowners often seek recommendations from neighbors when they need to have work done on their homes. In other cases, contractors might reach out to homeowners when they’re completing projects in the area. A new app called Pigybak is automating that process so that when neighbors are having work done, homeowners can piggyback on the job […]
CyberSafely.ai supports schools and parents in keeping kids safe online

After many years in the security industry, Neal Alexander was looking for his next venture. “As a former coach, I knew I wanted to do something that helps kids, as well as work with friends and family,” he said. Alexander thought about motivational speaking or putting together football camps, but his son, Nick, the head […]
Tech startups celebrate big wins and focus on big goals

For three of Bounce Innovation Hub’s technology clients, 2023 is proving to be quite a year. Auxilium Health, LEAF and Notus Labs have all raised funds and reached major milestones on their journey to success. Learn more about each of these exciting startups, below. Auxilium Health For Bounce Technology Incubator company Auxilium Health co-founders Isaiah […]
DenTemp builds a dental professional community

A love of dentistry and a desire to help others put Jizal Seikali on the unlikely path of entrepreneurship. Seikali served as a dental specialist in the Ohio National Guard from 2006-2009. In 2014, after serving as a logistics officer in the United States Army National Guard, she attended the pre-med/pre-dental program at Case Western […]
Corrolytics revolutionizes corrosion testing with new technology

Corrosion in oil and gas pipelines compromises their safety, resulting in catastrophic spills and billion-dollar damage. Being able to accurately measure corrosion and differentiate whether it is microbiologically induced or due to other factors is essential to knowing how to properly treat it. The team at Corrolytics, a Bounce Technology Incubator client, has developed groundbreaking […]
Time2Talk helps language learning

A native of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Marina Jackman met her husband, Chris, while earning a master’s degree in international politics and journalism in Barcelona, Spain. As the couple prepared for a move to France, they visited there to take an extensive, five-week-long course in French. This immersive experience allowed them to constantly apply everything they […]
LightScreen Art offers alternative to stained glass

As lovers of traditional stained glass and technology, the team at LightScreen Art offers a modern alternative to stained glass in a customizable, affordable and easy-to-install window covering that they call lightscreens. Willow Mattison, vice president of operations, said the dramatic improvements in digital manufacturing equipment, such as 3D printers and laser cutters, inspired LightScreen […]
2022 Year in Review – Technology

It’s no surprise that 2022 presented a challenging economy for businesses, including tech startups. Whether it was supply-chain issues, increased costs or cautious investors, many of our founders navigated the turbulence of last year to keep building for a brighter 2023. James Hilton, senior director of entrepreneurial services, said it was important for the founders […]